Eye Safety

The main types of eye protection are safety glasses, safety goggles and face shields. Don't be put off wearing the appropriate protection by fogging and ill-fitting eyewear. You can buy anti-fogging lenses and anti-fogging lens wipes.

Safety glasses

  • look like regular spectacles but the lenses are more durable
  • provide better protection against flying debris
  • may be low impact (no marking) or medium impact (marked with an I)
  • should also provide side protection.

If you have a vision problem, you can use specially made glasses that have corrective lenses. Here at EyesWest, we stock a wide range of safety prescription and non-prescription eyewear which are Australian standards-certified and come with written certification.

Safety goggles

  • fit snugly around your eyes
  • may offer an extra level of protection above that provided by safety glasses
  • may be low or medium impact

Eye shields

  • cover your upper face
  • have much the same function as goggles but are less likely to fog
  • may be low or medium impact

Spectacles can be worn beneath an eye shield.

Face shields

  • cover your entire face
  • may be low impact, medium impact or high impact (marked with a V)

Spectacles can be worn beneath a face shield.

Helmets or goggles with special filters are available to provide more protection for welders or people working with lasers.

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